Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Crazy Day

Today was awful.... My husband comes home as I am in the last seconds of getting ready for work. He literaly gives me a kiss as I head out the door. I worked 9 hours today on inventory and didnt get to see my lovely boys but for three hours before they go to bed. .......Ok maybe I should give you a brief ...ok long history of our family.
my husband hating his picture taken!!!!

I am a wife to a wonderful man that has always put us before what he wants. He was in the Marine Corps for 8 years four of which he stayed only becuae we found out we were pregnant with # 2. He has gone overseeas 5 times and once volunteered because he thought it would get him rank faster which means more money for our family (sadly it did not). He got out this past september. We have two boys Peanut (our oldest) and Monkey (of course our youngest). My husband (who will be known as D) is the sweetest guy. He said to me the day he got out. I hate to ask you to do this but with the economy the way it is and with this war dragging on (though he says for a cause ..... I tent to disagree but that is a issue we can agree to diagree on) he had always hated knowing he was going to ask this question, If I would go back to work. See we had decided that once I had kids I would be a stay at home mom till they were in school and then I would get a job that gauranteed me be off work by the time they got home.

I of course hated it and tried to fight it all the way even though I knew I had to help. I did get a job and it is ok but it isnt something I loooove like I did bieng with my kids. He got a job shortly after me and it is working at night (it pays alot more then mine and it has insurance). I know he would love to be home at night with us but he knows that he needs to support us as my job would not support me alone.
Peanut loves to snuggle.

Anyway that is why we were meeting each other on the way out today and on his way in. I hate it because I dont get to see my monkey at all. I spend all day at work and get home and when I first started working the boys would run up to me smother me with kisses and yell yeah mommy is home. With smiles and kisses aimed and ready for mommy to recieve and give back. We would also sit down and talk about our day. Now I have to yell that I am home and I may get a hey mom. I dont see peanut that often either but most of that is cause he is in school (which is another issue altogether since I wanted to homeschool the boys).
Monkey loves the camera (those are his uncles in the background)

It is hard because I dont get to see them and I miss that. I see so many people come into my work with their kids around my boys age and it is heart breaking. Anyway the purpose of this blog is to give everyone a piece of my life and to show other moms that are working and maybe feel the way I do that they are not the only ones and maybe we can help each other. It is hard but we will push through. Also even though the boys just say hey I do still put them to bed and get showered with kisses hugs and we will still go outside and play and get muddy and get tired from playing baseball or catch or even just running around going nuts. Monkey boy the other day played soccer with me so that made me feel good to share something I looooove with him. Oh and to all those that are scarred no I probably will not be one of those soccer moms. Thanks anyone that has read this blog. It is the first posting I promise I will get better.

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